Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prompt #16: Sign-off

Don’t forget to record your thinking/learning for EACH of this class’s topics in your SLP.

Watch your email for assignments and research topics for our April 17 class, which will be a F2F version at WBU-Lubbock.

Prompt #15: The Teacher’s Eye

Pick either Bloom’s Taxonomy OR the Marzano 9 High-Yield Strategies. 

Specifically identify at least three  “pieces” of tonight’s learning tasks and articulate which of those strategies/concepts you saw me trying to deploy.

Prompt #14: Learning Song

Identify one song that you think captures the essence of constructivism.  Paste a link to the song, or its lyrics, into your response below.

Prompt #13: Seth Godin

View this short video of Seth Godin:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPuYqH_zPJg&feature=related

What connections do you make from his comments on Curiosity to your preparation and subsequent launch of a career in education?

Prompt #12: Freakonomics

Read the interview titled, “How is a Bad Radio Station Like Our Public-School System”? at the link below:

How do you see the customization of education impacting you and/or your career as an educator?

Prompt #11: Field Observations

Reflect on the field observations you have done thus far.  

Briefly detail the instructional strategies leveraged by the most effective teacher you have observed.

Prompt #10: Research Connections

As you think of the research on the four topics related to Lesson Design, compare any two of the concepts, identifying similarities and/or connections.