Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prompt #1: Invocation

If you were guaranteed of having THREE prayers granted, no questions asked, what three things would you pray for?


  1. Happiness, health and relative success.

  2. (These are more like wishes but...)I think the ability to time travel, the ability to teleport anywhere, and maybe 9 (but no less than 4) rings that would bestow immortality/eternal youth.

    1. Mine seemed a little different after reading everyone elses' but I wanted these things to use for the good of the world. They were not altogether selfish in their intents.

  3. In-order-- for all unsaved people to be saved, for happiness for all people in this world and the next, and for the Lord to return for his children.

  4. 1. That this possible job opportunity works out in my favor
    2. That my husband and I find a church that feels like home
    3. That I make A's in my classes (no encouragement intended)

    My prayers are a little selfish, and I apologize and hope God knows that I really do pray for the health and wellness of my family and friends, and for world peace. :)
