Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prompt #4: Ed Psych

Which chapter (Chapter 12 or Chapter 13) seemed to speak most directly to your current growth needs as a developing educator?  Why do you think?


  1. On page 427, there is a quote lifted from an interview with Herb Khol, and the last thing he said really stuck with me: "You have to create an environment that makes kids walk in and say, 'I really want to see what's here. I would really like to look at this'."

    This is something I've already seen myself struggle with as a substitute teacher. I know that Khol is talking more about the objects and arrangement of the room, but I feel very unsure how I will create an interesting, warm environment for my students -- we can read theory about that all day long, but I'm unsure how I will put it into practice and what I will do if the first attempt doesn't work!

  2. Probably Chapter 13 in terms of actual teaching strategies but I think Chapter 12 had the specifics of what I need for discipline examples. So, both were very important for me. Other chapters have not been as important for me as these two were.

  3. Being a first time teacher is going to be a little bit scary, but using some of the instructions in Chapter 12, especially about management and classroom organization, would be extremely helpful. The learning theories are all great and really important, but starting out it's going to be difficult getting my bearings and staying organized for my students. It's their learning that is of the most importance and there's plenty of helpful ideas in Chapter 12 to make that happen.

  4. Chapter 13 speaks to me at this time because I am not actually planning to be in the classroom all the time, but instead I want to continue to be in an administrative role--teaching and guiding others. IF--I was to be in the classroom all the time --Chapter 12 gives me lots of good information on everyday classroom organization and classroom management. I need to learn the research and what teaching strategies work and which ones work in on different types of information or in different situations.
