Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prompt #11: Field Observations

Reflect on the field observations you have done thus far.  

Briefly detail the instructional strategies leveraged by the most effective teacher you have observed.


  1. I think that the PDO 3 and 4 year old classroom I visited did a really great job of using established procedures to maximize learning time, keep students engaged and allow for socializing as well variety and choice. They have songs they sing about basics the students will need to have a foundation for in kindergarten - days of the week, etc. - and these songs get them energized to learn as well as gives them a "bell-ringer" type activity. The students know what they're supposed to be doing and when it's done, they know it's time to learn! There isn't a lot of unproductive downtime in this class.

  2. The most effective teacher that I have seen so far has been a high school math teacher who taught math models class which is partly algebra, partly geometry, and partly TAKS retake prep. He played a game with his students to come up with the right answers. The students had a couple of times when they were allowed to walk around the room to collect others' answers so that allowed them some kinesthetic learning. As the students played to win with the right answers, they really got competitive to win against him and they worked together by pressuring others to give the right answers also. It was challenging to them in many ways and they all enjoyed that class. Also, he was very excited to be there and that rubbed off positively on them and that class went by quickly.

  3. I've been observing at the High School in Levelland and actually got to observe at the Middle School last week as well. The Middle School is extremely organized as far as scheduling and getting down to lessons is concerned. They have only 4 minute passing periods and the teachers have a task waiting up on the screen the minute they walk in. In the computer class they have a folder where they record a quote every day. They open word, type the quote, save and close. This simple task, I think, really gets the students in the class and ready to learn. It focuses their thoughts on the class and lesson at hand rather than the hall way gossip or what's for lunch.

  4. I have been observing adults in classrooms and I like the techniques used by instructors that offer a clear presentation and engaged students in learning. The hands on experiences I observed had students actually creating items and using prior knowledge to complete tasks. I also like it when instructors cause critical and higher order thinking. I like to see students engaged and wanting to learn and not talking or doing something else while the instructor is teaching. I have also seen some group work during my observations.
