Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prompt #8: Essential Questions

From Miran’s research, craft three Essential Questions that you might use to trigger student engagement on a topic you will be teaching.


  1. (In the field of history/government) What is the most important need for a society? How can a government be fair and represent everyone? Why do we consider our government to be the best?

  2. What is the importance of oral language? Of written language? What would happen in a society without language (in our modern world)? Would it be at all sustainable?

  3. (For a High School Accounting Class)Of what use is accounting? How do you define wealth? What is the importance of learning accounting by hand when there are computer programs that do it for you?

    1. Or for a business class - The Discussion of Ethics.

  4. For preschool children--I would ask lots of why and how questions.. I would give clues to my questions such as I see your crying-- how are you feeling today? I know you really like Lightening McQueen -- why do you like cars? I see you ran real fast to the playground-- Can you tell me how you can get to the playground slowly?
