Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Prompt #16: Sign-off

Don’t forget to record your thinking/learning for EACH of this class’s topics in your SLP.

Watch your email for assignments and research topics for our April 17 class, which will be a F2F version at WBU-Lubbock.

Prompt #15: The Teacher’s Eye

Pick either Bloom’s Taxonomy OR the Marzano 9 High-Yield Strategies. 

Specifically identify at least three  “pieces” of tonight’s learning tasks and articulate which of those strategies/concepts you saw me trying to deploy.

Prompt #14: Learning Song

Identify one song that you think captures the essence of constructivism.  Paste a link to the song, or its lyrics, into your response below.

Prompt #13: Seth Godin

View this short video of Seth Godin:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPuYqH_zPJg&feature=related

What connections do you make from his comments on Curiosity to your preparation and subsequent launch of a career in education?

Prompt #12: Freakonomics

Read the interview titled, “How is a Bad Radio Station Like Our Public-School System”? at the link below:

How do you see the customization of education impacting you and/or your career as an educator?

Prompt #11: Field Observations

Reflect on the field observations you have done thus far.  

Briefly detail the instructional strategies leveraged by the most effective teacher you have observed.

Prompt #10: Research Connections

As you think of the research on the four topics related to Lesson Design, compare any two of the concepts, identifying similarities and/or connections.

Prompt #9: Mind Mapping

From Lauren’s research, find an example on the Internet of an effective use of Mind Mapping and paste the link into your response.  Very briefly describe the concept for us.

Prompt #8: Essential Questions

From Miran’s research, craft three Essential Questions that you might use to trigger student engagement on a topic you will be teaching.

Prompt #7: Project-Based Learning

Taking from Michael’s slides, take an element of the academic content you expect to teach and describe how you might create a project-based assignment to optimize student learning on that topic.

Prompt #6: Understanding by Design

Based on your understanding of Lauri’s research on UbD, how do you see that concept of lesson design being useful to you?

Prompt #5: Research review

Review the research slides you all prepared on the topic of Lesson Design: 
1.      Understanding by Design - Wiggins &McTighe (Garza)
2.      Project-Based Learning (Varner)
3.      Essential Questions (Reynolds)
4.      Mind Mapping (Chiodo)

Prompt #4: Ed Psych

Which chapter (Chapter 12 or Chapter 13) seemed to speak most directly to your current growth needs as a developing educator?  Why do you think?

Prompt #3: Educational Psychology, Chapter 13

Per your reading of Chapter 13 in Educational Psychology, what was the newest/freshest learning for you?

Prompt #2: Educational Psychology, Chapter 12

Per your reading of Chapter 12 in Educational Psychology, identify 3-5 things you intend to do in your own classroom in order to create an environment that is centered on LEARNING.

Prompt #1: Invocation

If you were guaranteed of having THREE prayers granted, no questions asked, what three things would you pray for?